All in the light of November, a very wonderful month, a month many cherish even more than December and that shouldn't come to you as a surprise because November is a special month indeed.
Now still on this special feeling i wish to share with you guys a very interesting story that happened several years ago even when no man has succeeded in climbing the Mount Everest and it happened on the 1st day of November, perhaps this story might help you enjoy your November better.
This incident was concerning a young man, an ardent believer of the gospel and a hiker by profession he was so obsessed about climbing mountains and he wanted to be the first person to climb Mount Everest, the highest of all mountains and of course he has heard of several failed attempts but this did not deter this man in any manner, he was so determined to be the first to achieve this feat.
Of course hikers work in packs, so he and his pack set out and camped a few kilometers away from the mount everest on the 31st of October and everyone fell asleep but this young man couldn't sleep, the thoughts were all over him so he said a prayer to God and by 2 am he set out all alone to climb the mountain.
After some time climbing, he was successful to an appreciable height but he soon let fear to get the best part of him and he slid and was falling and was descending so fast and he felt he was going to die and suddenly his hand clinged to a protrusion of the Mountain and he held it firmly, but since it was 3am in the morning everywhere was dark and he couldn't ascertain which part of the mountain he was clinging on to, if it was close to ground or not. So he decided to call on God and he screamed Father!, Father!!, Father!!! save me, then moments later he heard a voice say "Let Go of your hands my son" and he couldn't believe it, later he heard the same voice repeat "Let Go of your hands my son" and he didn't listen to the voice again saying to himself that he wouldn't commit suicide and so he clinged on to the mountain until daybreak hoping his friends would come looking for him and help him.
But unfortunately for him he froze out there in the cold, and when his friend saw his dead body clinging to the mountain they observed he was just a few centimeters of landing more like a little jump. Had this young man listened to the voice and let go he could have just landed safely and lived to try another day.
Now as we start this month of November this should be our moral lesson to learn Ambition is a good thing, we should be relentless in our efforts and we should believe the voice of God even if it seems so so so wrong to us, cos he truly knows best.
We pray for good news in this special month, news like: ASUU calls off its 4months old strike, Boko haram finally drop arms, PHCN supplies power to all part of the country for 3weeks uninterrupted, Nigeria Police act fast in rescuing civilians etc
I pray you all enjoy November hale and hearty and when November is finally done i pray you embrace December with all its tidings
God bless Nigeria.

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