The day was 12th January, 2014
and I was in church it was 6:15am mass and you know they are one or two things
you hear people say and it matches a word in your database concerning
activities that have happened in your life in time past.
I heard the priest say the word
“Brethen” and I was like fair enough a guy can call me brethren without
me been suspicious of his motive, perhaps he can also call me “Beloved” but
that would be the limit cos if a guy calls me “Dear” I definitely will conceive
in my mind that he is gay.
this drifted my thoughts to the time while I was still 19 years old, a young
handsome boy and at the time I was still a virgin. I was just a year out of
secondary school and still searching for admission into a university, I was not
in Lagos which is my base state, I was in the east Nigeria, Anambra state to be
precise and I was in my village because I had in mind to obtain admission to
Nnamdi Azikwe University, Awka.
incident took place when I accustomed my grand mother to a distant farm of
hers, being young and energetic I was some miles in front of her on our way to
the farm and I was also a little bit tired, so when I turned back to take a
view at her, I saw she was discussing with some of her friends on the way, so I
decided to take a rest. I saw a pavement in front of a nice compound, I dropped
my wheelbarrow and took a seat and was waiting on my granny.
to me I was dressed in black top and black short and been alone there I was
just in thoughts but suddenly a man just came out of the building and
interrupted me in my thoughts, and looking at him he was young, tall and should
be in his late 20’s. immediately he told me that something was disturbing my
mind, that he has seen me in the spirit and everything is not alright, it was
then that I noticed the Bible he had under his armpit. He didn’t stop there he
told me he was a pastor and he began telling me about the exploits God has
worked through him and he asked me to reveal the cause of my troubles to him,
so I checked myself, I have attempted JAMB once and POST UME and I was not
successful, so I reluctantly told him that I had admission problem and that was
where the whole story began.
Pastor told me he is a graduate Anambra State University Uli and he also had
some contacts in Nnamdi Azikwe University, Awka. He said he has seen me from
afar and that the Lord has ministered to him to help me. He furthered told me
he will be at a an overnight Church crusade that night in a distant village and
I should come with him, that by so doing he would know I am truly serious to
secure admission and that he would help me. He said I should come to the exact
spot where we stood at 7:00pm and he would take me there. And I promised him
that I would do my best, so he left and I was sitting and pondering if I would
make it before my grandmother woke me up in my thoughts and together we walked
to the farm.
as you could expect all day I was thinking about the proposal of the Pastor,
afterall as at then I was young and naïve and so I decided to tell my aunty
about it, but I lied and told her that I would be back that night and she
obliged me the visit to the Pastor without the knowledge of my granny.
met the Pastor at the spot and together we went to the crusade, however on
reaching there I discovered it was no crusade, it was just a family he visited
at their home to pray for them and from my observations that wasn’t the first
time because they already had a room prepared for him. And so after prayers we
had meal and from our discussion I observed he was a Pastor of God is still God
inc and the owners of that house had so much respect for him, so ordinarily I
thought I was in safe hands. But afterward I and the pastor was ushered into
the same room, despite the comfort of the room, I couldn’t sleep because I was
,iles away from home and being with people I just met today for the first time
I still had some little reservations.
the room the Pastor told me he would leave for USA in two weeks time and that
if I am a good boy he would take me with him and the thought of USA was
exciting to me so I said I will be a good boy. We were both lying on the bed
when he said he had to pray for me, and I was waiting for him to say we should
get up, but no all of a sudden he climbed on top of me I was sleeping back to
the ground and facing the ceiling and so I concealed my body in order to refute
such overtures from the pastor but he obliged me to open my body so he can pray
for me and again I refused, it was then that his wife at the village at the
spot where I saw him called him on the phone and was in a very loud voice that
I could also hear her clearly, she said that boy you took away the aunty and
grand mother is here and they are causing all sorts of trouble here, they are
demanding for their child this night, “please don’t do anything to that boy”
and she hung up, but those last words of her “please don’t do anything to that
That confirmed my suspicions that the man
was probably gay and I was not the first person he had attempted such on, and
his wife was probably aware. When he hung up the call, he was livid with anger
and said my relations wanted to spoil my chances of travelling to the USA with
him but I didn’t reply him, I was just waiting on daybreak so I go back home.
that was not all and since I was in silence he thought I was in compliance with
him and so he climbed on top of me again but I closed my body after he tried
and was frustrated he practically masturbated himself on top of me and then he
fell asleep. But I didn’t sleep that night I was alert all through the night.
In the morning he prepared his sermon and had his bathe and was dressed in
white suit like an angel and so we headed back to my village. He said he would
keep in touch and I said ok.
back to 12th January, 2014 and I was thinking what if this pastor
had had his way with me that night I would have been a Gay today, and this is
not by my wish but by force, I would see a woman and I would not appreciate
her. Being a Gay is not the worst thing on earth but before you are to make
someone else a gay especially someone younger he should consent to it and not
you trying to force him to oblige. Well I thank God for the experience cos I
learnt from it and I applied hard work to myself and studies and I secured
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