I must confess it is now a sort of a norm
and I don’t blame the writer in anyway regarding the article he wrote, because
these days the easy side to defend is the side that looks weak, fragile and
May I also say
that this is not a thug of war in anyway against the writer, a columnist that
wrote about the Ethopia vs Nigeria match at www.goal.com,
these are his words and I quote “Just 180 minutes before Ethopia and their
making it to their first world cup ever”.
went further to explain the torrential journey which Ethopia had to go through
to get to this stage of playoff s he was wise enough to cite that the only time
Ethopia beat Nigeria was in 1993 a solitary victory that ended 1-0 in favour of
Ethopia also he was cunning enough to mention that the Super Eagle side
defeated by Ethopia was our best side ever reaching an impressive feat of FIFTH
(5th) in the Fifa ranking and for that reason that the match at
Addis Ababa would not be a stroll in the park for Nigeria.
all these words and as a patriot of Nigeria I braced myself and decided I must
watch this match with the crowd, with my fellow country men because this is not
just a football match, a lot is at stake including our pride as a footballing
So I went to a viewing centre to enjoy the
match for myself and I did go with an objective mind I must tell you and as I
expected all these old folks of ours were just sitting around the viewing
center, hmmmm it looks quite different compared to when I was watching the
English Premier League.
Ethopia played well I must confess and for
a moment I was beginning to think that they must have read the article that
they might just make it to the World Cup at the expense of Nigeria, and boy
when they got that goal I must confess I didn’t flinch, finally Nigeria won the
ma tch 1 – 2. And I am implored to share my submission on this topic.
You do not defend a side because they are
weak, if you think Nigeria is strong now they achieved that through hardwork
and discipline because at a time they were also weak and now in Africa they
look like a behemoth that crushes any country that comes before them.
And I cant just help but think about those
words of the columnist, just 180 minutes between them to make their first ever
world cup. That was very wrong, what was between them and the world cup was and
still is Nigeria.
So if Ethopia still plan on making it to
the World cup, they better prepare hard and earn themselves a slot and don’t
rely on hopeful wishing.
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