Tuesday 7 June 2016


The average individual doesn’t really care for the specification of a laptop before they purchase, they are mostly concerned about its beauty, portability, long lasting battery, internal DVD, sound speakers, wireless, Bluetooth, camera etc, the list is endless. And while all these are good features to look out for before you purchase a laptop, they are also some underneath features that ensures that only a little part in memory is used for the operations you carryout with your laptop system, thus this free up space and make the overall performance of your laptop faster.
          And while some may argue that they don’t carryout enormous or complicated tasks with their laptops that they are either viewing a movie, watching pictures, playing music, surfing the internet or typing a document and they don’t really see the need for a fast system. It is also quite notable to know that all these operations are carried out in memory and lower specification systems don’t carryout these operations at a reasonable pace for the satisfaction of the users. Here is a notorious example if you have a laptop with big screen for nice and easy viewing of movies, and if the same laptop has a battery life of 5 hours and above, you might still encounter issues like hanging or cracking (jitters) when watching movies with your system. Another example is that you might discover it takes too much time to even download a file from the Internet, all these are caused by inadequate space in memory for processing of the bits of information received by the system and this will surely reduce the pleasure, utility and satisfaction of any user.
          Now, these are five things you should consider before purchasing a new laptop if you require maximum satisfaction.

Ø Brand Name

This is one of the easiest ways of detecting quality in any product and laptops are no different. Brands are known to adhere to a particular level of quality and always deliver at that level. Little wonder consumers have to pay a premium (a little extra charge above normal prices) in order to buy products of popular brands. They do these because of the quality, safety, warranty and assurance such brands inculcate with usage of their products.
          While some brands like Samsung, Acer and Toshiba are currently making strides in the laptop industry, they are not particularly refereed to as top notch brand names. The dominant brand names in the laptop industry remain Apple, Hewlett Packard (HP) and DELL.
So for majority of the time, buying from a top notch brand guarantees quality and longevity of products.

Ø Processor Performance

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Brand name on its own doesn’t single handily gives you the computer system you so desire, this is because brands also make products with lower specifications to encourage people with lower incomes to still own laptops. So after selecting a brand name, the next concern for the individual is to find out the type of the processor contained in the laptop. Luckily this information is written on a sticker tag in front or at the back of the carton of the laptop.
Based on its functionality, a processor is hardware in form of a chip that resides on your system unit in the laptop, often times the processor is referred to as the heart of the computer this is because off the core role it plays in the computer system. New models of laptops are now focused on integrating more than one processor into a single chip processor. You can get a single chip that contains 2, 3,5,7,9 or even 12 processors running parallel with each other to carryout operations on the computer systems. The more processors in your processor chip, the faster your computer system.
Some processors like AMD are particularly renowned for excellent performance with gaming and graphics, while core i3 is ideal for overall general performance. However, for overall best practices you need a top notch processor like core i5, core i7, and core i9 or core i12.


 Random Access Memory (RAM) is another important chip in your computer system worth considering before you purchase a laptop. Rightly so because although your processor is referred to as the heart of your computer system, it still depends a lot of the services of the RAM to make sure operations are carried out effectively and efficiently. Any task (performing calculations, watching movies or pictures, browsing, typing a document) you do on the computer system is first loaded on the RAM, which in turns sends the bit of information to the processor which execute the task and returns the processed information back to the RAM which holds this information so the user can see. So imagine you carrying out simultaneous tasks on a system with low RAM size, such will cause an overall low performance and reduce users utility.
So the bigger your RAM size, the faster your system. RAM sizes of 3Gigabytes or 4Gigabytes is moderate for general performance. However for best practices, you should consider an 8Gigabyte or 16Gigabyte or even 32Gigabyte of RAM size.

Ø Hard Disk Drive Capacity (HDD)
This is a secondary memory in your computer system and is the cheapest type of memory in the computer system, by secondary memory it means that the HDD doesn’t directly decide how fast operations are carried out in your computer system. However this doesn’t make it unimportant, this is because a bigger sized HDD would help you store large sizes of files (videos, music, pictures, documents, downloads) on your system without slowing down the operations of your system. Clearly having a system with bigger sized HDD will surely save you expenses of buying complementary external memory like external HDD, flash, memory card etc.
The moderate sizes of Hard Disk Drives that come with systems are 250Gigabytes or 500Gigabytes while top notch sizes for best practices are 1Terabyte, 2Terabyte and 5Terabyte.

Ø Universal Serial Bus Ports (USB)

These are the medium through which you can connect other accessories and devices to either interact with your computer system or to charge them. This component of the computer is most time overlooked by individuals but it is still important and integral to users having maximum satisfaction with their computer systems. The USB ports still remains a faster means of transferring files to external devices when compared to new trending Mr Bluetooth. A laptop with only 2 USB ports will surely hamper a user from connecting several accessories(external disk drive, camera, phone, flash, mouse) and thus such is not optimal. While 3USB or 4USB ports in a system is moderate, a system with 5 0r 6 USB ports is highly recommended for ideal optimization of the computer system potential.

After digesting the content of this write up, prospective laptop buyers can now go into the market to purchase laptops better informed. They can now place an order in the following format.
Please I need a HP – core i5 processor – 4GB RAM size – 500Gigabyte HDD and 4 USB ports system.
Another individual might order this way: I need a DELL – core i7 processor – 8GB RAM size – 1Terabyte HDD – 6 USB ports system.

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